Friday 28 June 2013

It's been too long!

Well it's been too long folks...

The last couple of years have whizzed by in a whirl of making new friends, setting up a business, settling into life in Lincoln and getting the teenager through college and off to University.

I've decided to resurrect this blog after deciding all work and no play was making this girl a very dull one...My main blogging is about all things confidence, business, success and leadership...and this one...well it won't be!

My new found passion for crochet has resurrected my desire to blog about life, crafts, family, creativity and generally all the things I love and enjoy in life - not that I don't enjoy my business, but you get my drift!

In  a month I have learned to crochet, with the help of a couple of workshops locally, and now there's no stopping first granny blanket project is well under way, as you can see below.
This is the reverse of the blanket; I'm very chuffed I've managed to learn how to join the squares together with slip stitches :)
I've also learned how to make these cute little bubble stitches, which will be fashioned into granny squares too - granny squares rock! 
I'm an ambitious gal, and have this super-duper, mega gorgeous cardy in my sights, but I am very sensibly making myself wait until at least my first granny blanket is finished.
The pattern can be found at It's called the Pineapple Robe.
There are tons more things I love to do, and I hope that you'll enjoy seeing pictures - jewellery, sewing and more decoupage are also on the cards for me. 
So, I hope you come back soon and see what I'm up to :)
Sue xx